The Primary Shakespeare Company

ACT ii

Some are born great....

Welcome to Act 2
In which we learn that.....
Sebastian, Viola's brother is alive! Malvolio grows impatient with Viola, Viola (Caesario) realises that Olivia is in love with her, but she is in love with Orsino! Sir Toby, Sir Andrew and Feste have a late night party which annoys Malvolio even more. Malvolio makes them so angry they devise a plot to get even. Orsino sends Viola back to see Olivia and Malvolio is suprised by a letter he thinks is for him.......

Act 2 Storytelling
We have created a bespoke story telling version of the play for each act just to get you started. Download it here....

Act 2 literacy deals with writing a letter in role as Malvolio in response to the forged letter written to him by Maria (pretending to be Olivia). The PDF contains a whole weeks worth of literacy lessons including resources.