The Primary Shakespeare Company



How it works...
Here you'll find everything you need to teach a term's work around Macbeth. There are bespoke plans for Literacy, Maths, Science, Art, Shakespeare and MFL + quizzes and games.
Click on each act and you will find a whole week's worth of activities.
The literacy, maths, and french resources are designed to correspond to each act of the play, so the Act 1 literacy resources all pertain to Act1 and you can work your way through the play over the course of a term.
There is one maths lesson per week, differentiated for year groups. Two Science learning journeys, one Art project and 5 french lessons.
There is also a filmed storytelling performance of the play that you can use for reference.
Just click below to get going.....

storytelling Films
Festival song
At the end of each Shakespeare Festival every class takes the stage to sing the end song together. Here you can download the lyrics and play the song.
Play Song
Download Lyrics
This year we worked with MA Theatre for Young Audiences and MA Actor Musician Students from Rose Bruford College of Speech and Drama to produce three storytelling performances. Each one was devised by the students based on the play. Under normal non - covid circumstances we would tour one show that all our schools would come together in boroughs to see, but this year as a precaution each school got their own individual performance. All three stories are told differently - we couldn't film them in schools for child protection reasons, so here is rehearsal room footage. Enjoy!
Devised and Performed by
Ewan Pires
Angus Tikka
Charlotte Hannah
Devised and Performed by
Melinda Orengo
Tom Elliot
Kit Salterkay
Devised and Performed by
Emmanuel Mendes Da Silva
Sophie Golby
Tori Chapman