The Primary Shakespeare Company

Beware the Ides of March...
Julius Caesar
In which we learn that...
The festival of Lupercal is in full swing. Caesar has returned to Rome, but not everyone is happy about it. We meet Brutus and Cassius who have much thinking to do. Caesar is offered a crown, will he take it? A storm rages in Rome in more ways than one. Brutus receives letters, apparently sent to him by Roman citizens. There is a lot going on....
Welcome to Act i. Below are plans for literacy, reading comprehension, grammar and punctuation, maths and games. Each subject/activity is related to this act of the play. The literacy PDFs are a whole week (5 days) of fully resourced lessons.
The Story
We've created a comic book version of the play for you. You can see it in sections, or look at the whole thing here.
CAESAR's triumphant return
setting descriptions
Act 1 literacy deals with using the senses to write a setting description. The five Act 1 lessons are ROME SOUNDSCAPE, USING OUR SENSES, SIMILES, PERSONIFICATION and THE WRITING.
reading comprehension
CAESAR's triumphant return
A bespoke retelling of the story, differentiated appropriately for the year groups. Read the story and answer the questions.
Grammar & Punctuation
CAESAR's triumphant return
YEAR 3/4
YEAR 5/6
Time fronted adverbials
direct speech
Focused lesson plans where children are taught the fundamentals of spelling, punctuation, and grammar. These lessons are designed to help students develop their writing skills, enhance their understanding of how language works, and improve their ability to communicate effectively.
Act 1 Games
CAESAR's triumphant return
Four fun tasks to use as extension activities, to support your literacy or as homework