The Primary Shakespeare Company

Julius Caesar
The noblest Roman of them all...
In which we learn that...
Brutus orders an attack on Octavius' forces, which he can see weakening. Cassius, believing that his own capture is at hand, sees only one way out. Brutus is forced to retreat, and he too can only see one end to the story. After he is gone, everyone realises that Brutus was indeed, the noblest Roman of them all.
The Story
We've created a comic book version of the play for you. You can see it in sections, or look at the whole thing here.
DEBATE, BRUTUS and CASSIUS - Heroes or Villians?
This week, the class will be split into 2 teams. One team will argue that they are heroes while the other argue that they are villains. The groups will present their evidence and arguments to a judge in front of the other teams in a courtroom scenario.
reading comprehension
A bespoke retelling of the story, differentiated appropriately for the year groups. Read the story and answer the questions.
YEAR 3/4
YEAR 5/6
DEBATE, BRUTUS and CASSIUS - Heroes or Villians?
Grammar & Punctuation
DEBATE, BRUTUS and CASSIUS - Heroes or Villians?
YEAR 3/4
YEAR 5/6
subordinating conjunctions
question marks
Focused lesson plans where children are taught the fundamentals of spelling, punctuation, and grammar. These lessons are designed to help students develop their writing skills, enhance their understanding of how language works, and improve their ability to communicate effectively.
subordinating conjunctions
question marks
Act 5 Games
DEBATE, BRUTUS and CASSIUS - Heroes or Villians?
Four fun tasks to use as extension activities, to support your literacy or as homework